What Size Furnace Filter Should You Use?

Learn how to determine what size furnace filter is right for your HVAC system and how to install it correctly.

What Size Furnace Filter Should You Use?

When it comes to your HVAC system, the size of the air filter you use is of utmost importance. An improperly sized filter can lead to dust buildup on the motors and blowers, which can affect performance and even damage the internal components. To ensure you get the right size filter for your oven, you need to know what size filter you have. The easiest way to do this is to remove the current filter and look at its dimensions, which are usually printed along one side. If you're looking for a retailer near you that sells custom-sized air filters, you may have difficulty finding one.

In these cases, you have more flexibility in selecting the size of the filter, since you can choose one that is longer than the size of the opening. The filter slot will be slightly smaller than the size of the air filter you need to buy. Once you determine the exact dimensions that best fit your needs, place an order for your filter size with the exact fraction or decimal of your preferred measurements. If you can't find a standard-size filter within that parameter, you'll need to order a custom-sized air filter. To ensure that the next filter you purchase is the correct size for your system, measure the inside dimensions of the air cleaner inlet.

If the return grille is in the ceiling, you may prefer to use a filter that has a slightly larger actual size, so that it doesn't fall on you when you open the vent. When installing a new air filter, make sure it fits snugly in its slot. If it's too tight or too loose, try a different brand or a custom-sized air filter with a slightly smaller actual size. Installing several 1-in-a-slot air filters can cause costly damage to your air conditioning unit, as residential ovens are not equipped to handle this level of airflow restriction. To find out what size filter is recommended for your unit model, consult the table titled “Find your air conditioner and oven filter by make, model number and size”. Look for where the return duct connects to your oven and there should be a plate that covers the slot where the air cleaner enters.

This will help you calculate what size filter you need for your oven. No matter what situation you are in, make sure that your air filter is properly sized for your oven. If it's too small or too large, it won't be able to do its job properly and could cause costly damage to your system.

Amanda Boose
Amanda Boose

Freelance coffee advocate. Evil social media advocate. Hardcore internet trailblazer. Avid twitteraholic. Passionate tv aficionado.

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